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La Quinta Estación - Engáñame
Album: Sin Frenos

Lyrics & Music: Natalia Jiménez & Armando Ávila

EngáñameDeceive Me
Yo sé que me engañas.
Hueles diferente.
Mi mirada te inquieta.
No te soy indiferente

Yo sé que me engañas.
Me tocas fríamente.
En la cama me huyes
Y te crees bien valiente

Y a ver si tú eres tan valiente
Para decirme de frente
Que tus ojos no mienten

Engáñame y dime que me quieres como cada vez.
Que miras en mis ojos sin saber que ves
Sientiendo sin sentir

Engáñame y dime que soy tuya como cada vez
Que buscas en mi cuerpo provocar a tu piel.

Yo sé que me engañas
Que buscas otras manos.
Tú ya eres un extraño
Y te encuentro tan lejano

Yo sé que me engañas.
No me extraña nada.
Hoy abrazo la almohada
Creyendo estar enamorada

Engáñame × 2
I know that you are cheating on me.
You smell different.
My look bothers you.
I am not indifferent to you

I know that you are cheating on me.
You touch me coldly.
You avoid me in bed
And you think you are very brave

And let's see if you are brave enough
To tell me to my face
That your eyes are not lying

Deceive me and tell me that you love me like every time.
You are looking into my eyes without knowing that you see
Feeling without feeling

Deceive me and tell me that I am yours like every time
That you are looking for my body to arouse your skin.
Deceive me

I know that you are cheating on me
That you are looking for other hands.
You are already a stranger
And you are so distant to me

I know that you are cheating on me.
Nothing surprises me.
Today I hug the pillow
Believing [myself] to be in love

Deceive me × 2