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МакSим - «Золотыми рыбками»
Album: «Хорошо»

Lyrics & Music: Марина С. Максимова

This song is about silence. When you are in love, you so want to shout about it. But sometimes one word too many can destroy much, especially when that word is weighty. I often observe how people live in their illusions, putting their desires on show. I try to keep everything private behind closed doors, preserving the most important thing.
For days now I have begun to shoot the video for the song “Like Goldfish.” The director and I thought over the storyline for a long time but it was well worth it. It ended up not simply a video but a very emotional, intriguing short film, filled with deep meaning, where every second will have a specific meaning for me.
«Золотыми рыбками»Like Goldfish
Расставили сети и выложили в сети
И золотые плавники запутались навеки.
Уснула бы на дне реки,
но дна нету.
Снова вернулась в эти воды, кинула монету

Её так манит эта пропасть-бездна.
Её затянет в эти сети нежно.
И золотая чешуя не та уже.
Стала потёртой, мятою, небрежною

Золотыми рыбками быть непросто.
Залатать бы нитками все вопросы
Снова в ту же реку - терять дар речи.
Золотыми слитками не залечишь

× 2

Ныряя поглубже, в моря будто в лужи -
Как многим ты неужто сказал: «Я люблю» уже.
Найти себя пора уже, но что, если
Не выведет наружу ни одна из этих лестниц?

Водоворот её затянет слепо
Её мечты и её страхи света.
Какая разница, как Солнце светит там
Когда плывешь по своей воле в сети ты?

Припев × 3
We set out nets and we laid in the nets.
And our gold fins were enmeshed forever.
She would like to fall asleep at the bottom of the river but there is no bottom.
She returned again and threw a coin into those waters

This abyss tempted her so.
It gently drew her into those nets.
And the golden scales are no longer the same.
They have become shabby, crumpled, unkempt

Being a goldfish is not easy.
Would it were possible to patch every question with yarn
To lose the power of speech again in the same river.
You cannot heal with gold bullion

× 2

Diving deeper into the sea as if into puddles -
Surely you have already said “I love you” to many.
Its now time to find yourself, but what if
Not one of these staircases leads outside?

The whirlpool drew her in blindly
Her dreams and her fear of the light.
What does it matter how the sun shines there
When you are swimming of your own volition in the nets?

Chorus × 3