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Pastora - Em Vindràs A Buscar
Album: Una Altra Galàxia

This song is a Catalan version of “Wonderful Life” by Black.

Translation in
Em Vindràs A BuscarYou Will Come Looking For Me
Un racó, vora el mar obert
El sol als meus cabells
Et busco i ja no hi ets

Miro endavant
Tot és massa ple
No em vull aturar
Veig màgia a tot arreu

El temps va depressa
Vaig cap a l'infinit
Però em sento sola

No vull fugir plorar
Tu vindràs, em vindràs a buscar.
No vull morir somiant
Tu vindràs, em vindràs a buscar

El sol als meus ulls
El vent als meus cabells
Però no puc seguir
Si no ets aquí

Vull un amic
Oh, vull un amic
Que em faci ser feliç
Com ho era abans


Sé que vindràs × 4
A corner, close to the open sea
The sun in my hair
I look for you and you are no longer around

I look ahead
Everything is too full
I do not want to stop
I see magic everywhere

The time goes quickly
I go towards infinity
But I feel lonely

I do not want to run away to cry
You will come, you will come looking for me.
I do not want to die dreaming
You will come, you will come looking for me

The sun in my eyes
The wind in my hair
But I am unable to go on
If you are not here

I want a friend
Oh, I want a friend
That would make me (be) happy
Like I have been before


I know that you will come × 4