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Pastora - Penso En Tu
Album: Una Altra Galàxia

Lyrics: Dolo Beltrán.
Music: Caïm Riba Pastor

Translation in
Penso En TuI Think Of You
Últimament passen coses insòlites.
No sé gaire què em passa.
Tot es mou dins de casa.
No hi ha fre, quines ganes!

Últimament, cada dia és un bon regal.
Tot ho vull compartir.
Vull que siguis aquí
A prop meu per Nadal

I és que no puc parar.
Penso en tu i et vull veure
Regalar-te tresors que he guardat dins el cor
No deixar de sorprendre't.
Mirar-nos als ulls i els llums ja s'encenen

I m'imagino un munt de coses que ara poden passar.
Obrim el cava, tu em somrius i no em canso de brindar!

I és que no puc parar.
Són les ganes de veure't
Vull donar-te emocions
Saltar i no dir prou.
Cada salt, una festa!

I és que no puc parar.
Són les ganes de veure't.
Vull donar-te el meu món
Que tot sigui nou
Mirar de sorprendre't
Lately, unusual things are happening.
I do not really know what is happening to me.
Everything is moving in the house
There is no brake, what desires!

Lately, every day is a lovely gift.
I want to share everything.
I want you to be here
Near me for Christmas

And (it is that) I am unable to stop.
I think of you and I want to see you
To give you the treasures that I have kept in my heart
Not ceasing to surprise you.
Looking into each other's eyes and the lights are now lighting up

And I imagine a lot of things that can happen now.
We open the cava, you smile at me and I do not tire of toasting!

And I am unable to stop.
It is the desire to see you
I want to give you emotions
To jump and not say “Enough.”
Each jump a party!

And I am unable to stop.
It is the desire to see you.
I want to give you my world
That everything may be new
Looking to surprise you