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Pastora - Una Altra Galàxia
Álbum: Una Altra Galàxia

Letra: Dolo Beltrán.
Música: Caïm Riba Pastor

Tradução em
Una Altra GalàxiaAnother Galaxy
Mai deixaran de sorgir camins
Nous mons, horitzons perduts
Lluny d'aquí

× 2

He agafat impuls per començar
A buidar calaixos
I a treure'm la pols de tants viatges
La vida no frena i es perd l'alè

Un munt de vegades són les que he posat
A sobre l'espatlla i no he sabut portar
L'equipatge d'un lloc a l'altre
I sempre pensant només en mi

Tornada 1:
Ara sé que hi ha dos mons
Que al mirar-se s'atrapen
I ara sembla que són
Com d'una altra galàxia

Obro la maleta i surten mil colors
De roba que m'explica tot el que vaig fer
Ja no m'entra
M'ho poso i m'apreta
No sé si estic feta per tants records

Tornada 1

Tornada 2:
Si al final no hi ha res
Tot això ho portaré a la memòria.
Si al final no n'hi ha més
No deixem de fer res
Comencem una altra història

I tot just ja començo
Un nou viatge a la Terra
Però d'aquells que et transporten
A un altre planeta

Mai deixaran de sorgir camins
Nous mons, horitzons perduts
Lluny d'aquí × 4

Tornada 1,2
Paths, new worlds, lost horizons
Will never stop emerging
Far from here

× 2

I have got the impulse to begin
To clear drawers
And remove the dust of many trips from myself
Life is not slowing down and it is running out of breath

There are a lot of occasions that I have put
Over my shoulder and I have not known how to carry
The luggage from one place to another
And always thinking only about myself

Chorus 1:
Now I know that there are two worlds
That get trapped when they look at each other
And now it seems that they are
As if from another galaxy

I open the suitcase and a thousand colours of clothes
Come out that explain to me everything that I am going to do
They no longer fit me
I put them on and they squeeze me
I do not know if I am made for so many memories

Chorus 1

Chorus 2:
If there is nothing at the end
I will carry all this in my memory.
If there is nothing else at the end
Let's not stop doing anything
Let's begin another story

And right now I am already beginning
A new voyage to Earth
But one of those that transport you
To another planet

Paths, new worlds, lost horizons
Will never stop emerging
Far from here × 4

Chorus 1,2